Weekly Reading October 16-22, 2017

Blessings! Please choose an image that you feel most drawn to (1, 2, 3 or 4) and then SCROLL DOWN for your Messages of channeled guidance from the Archangels for this week!

This week there's a NEW MOON on Thursday, October 19th. The Angels are letting us know that this week will be a POWERFUL time for creativity and focusing on the bigger picture. What do you truly desire to bring to fruition? What do you most wish to accomplish during the next months of this year (and beyond)? They're also saying that this week, especially during the New Moon, you may feel extra sensitive, so be gentle with yourself and allow yourself some time for rest and self-care.

Scroll down for the revealed messages!



Weekly Reading oct 16-22.png












IMAGE 1 — The Angels are urging you to TRUST in yourself and in your own intuition. They're assuring you that you have all the answers that you need within you and that you KNOW what you need to do. If you've been doubting yourself or feeling that you haven't been able to connect as well to your Higher Self and Divine Guidance, they're saying that this week is a time for gaining clarity and insight. It is a time for taking a leap of faith and trusting that you are being guided on your path. You are being guided to exactly where you need to go. Use the New Moon energies to help you manifest your dreams. The Angels are urging you not to give up! Even if you can't see the path ahead of you just yet, it is becoming clearer and you need to keep going! Ask the Angels to help you have the courage, confidence and clarity that you need to propel you forward to the next level of progress and success with your goals.



IMAGE 2 — The Angels are encouraging you to tune in the cycles and rhythms of nature, including the moon cycles, to help you with manifesting your goals. The New Moon this week will be an important time for you to go inward and allow yourself to surrender and let the Angels and the Universe help you. Allow yourself to RECEIVE the support, love and blessings that the Angels are sending to you. If you've been feeling that you're carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders or if you're doing a lot and giving a lot to others without receiving enough nurturing and support in return, then this week is YOUR TIME to take a step back and RECEIVE. All manifesting is a delicate balance of giving and receiving and it's important to pay attention to where you need to receive more in your life. This will help you open up to increased opportunities for love and abundance. Make sure to ask the Angels for help and say special prayers on this New Moon for all that you desire to manifest. This is an extremely fertile time for you to develop new projects and to open new doors for accomplishing your goals.



IMAGE 3 — This week is a powerful time for you to receive healing and help with any situation or issue that has been weighing you down. The Angels are letting you know that they are all around you and they would like you to see past any frustration, fear or challenges that you may have been feeling with regard to certain goals. They're saying that you are being challenged in order for you to step up further into your power and to believe in yourself (more strongly than ever before). This is a time for you to be SUPER STRONG and not let anyone else's opinions (or your fear of what other people might think) stand in your way. Your feelings, beliefs and values are all valid and important and the Angels are urging you to be true to yourself. Go within during this New Moon and connect with your heart -- feel what your heart truly desires and reconnect with this innermost part of yourself. Ask the Angels to send you healing and guidance during this New Moon to help you have the courage and strength to stand tall, be proud of yourself and express who you truly are!



IMAGE 4 — The Angels are letting you know that this week is an important time for focusing on gratitude and appreciation -- for yourself, for your loved ones and for all the blessings that are in your life currently and that are on the way. They know that it may feel challenging to do this at this time. If you've been feeling frustrated or if you feel like things haven't been progressing as quickly as you'd like, the Angels are reminding you to take a step back this week and let go of trying to force things to happen. Let go of trying to control the outcome of whatever it is that you're working on and striving to achieve. This week is a time for giving over your fears to the Angels and allowing the Universe to do work behind the scenes to manifest your goal(s). There is a LOT happening behind the scenes the Angels are saying and it's important to step back a bit and TRUST that what you desire is manifesting. This New Moon is an important opportunity for you to send love to yourself and to send love outwards (to those around you, to the planet, to the Universe). Stay in this space of heart-centeredness, gratitude and appreciation and this will help create the space for your goals and dreams to come to fruition.



Which IMAGE did you choose and how did the messages resonate with you?

Let me know in the comments box below!


Have a blessed week!



**SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY: Only 4 spots left for the special 20-Minute Angel Channeling Sessions that I'm offering this month. If you'd like to ask the Archangels your questions + powerful guidance and insight from them, then this is your chance >> click here to book your session




20-Minute Angel Channeling Sessions


This is a 20-minute angel channeling session which provides guidance and insight from the Archangels about your life path.

You can choose to ask the angels specific questions (about relationships, love, career, business, life purpose, spiritual gifts, etc...) or you can choose to have a general reading.

I work closely with the Archangels to bring through the information that is most needed at the time to provide understanding and insights into the situation/question you are seeking guidance about.

The angels provide valuable information and powerful wisdom to help empower you in making decisions and gaining clarity about your life goals.

The energy of the Archangels is extremely gentle, supportive and nurturing and you will be surrounded by their loving presence throughout the channeling session. You will also find out which Archangels wish to connect with you at this time.


>> Click here to book your session!