AUGUST 2017 Messages

Blessings! Please choose a BUTTERFLY IMAGE that you feel most drawn to (1, 2 or 3) and then SCROLL DOWN for your August Messages of channeled guidance from the Archangels!

This month is all about TRANSFORMATION!

We're currently in the Lion’s Gate Portal, which is the planetary new year and a powerful new vibration is being sent to earth to help us rise up and shift into greater alignment with our soul’s purpose. There are also TWO ECLIPSES this month -- eclipses signal huge opportunities for growth and change on all levels.

August is going to be a SUPER POWERFUL month – a rare opportunity for making huge leaps forward in releasing blocks and opening up to new levels of success, love, abundance and fulfillment within your life.

To celebrate and honor the Lion’s Gate portal, I’m offering a special Lion’s Gate Energy Activation on August 8th, which is the height of the Lion’s Gate energy. You can learn more about this online event here.

**SPECIAL BONUS: Chance to WIN a FREE Soul Awakening Session (worth $350) -- each person who signs up for the Lion's Gate event will automatically be entered into a random drawing for a chance to win this powerful 3 hour private session of channeling, healing and coaching.












BUTTERFLY 1 — This month will be an important time for you to connect with your Higher Self and with your Angels in order to get centered and grounded. The Angels are reminding you that it is essential for you to have time for meditation or quiet time to clear your mind and tune in to the messages of divine guidance that are being sent to you. They are assuring you that your prayers have been heard and are being answered. The ANSWERS will come in the form of powerful new ideas and inspiration – ‘lightbulb’ moments of CLARITY will be available to you this month. But you must take time to tune in and to pay attention to the signs, messages and bursts of inspiration that the ANGELS are sending your way!




BUTTERFLY 2 — The month of August is a time for you to TRUST – this is the primary message that the Angels have for you. The Angels are letting you know that this month will be a time for stepping up to a whole new level of trust and faith in yourself and in the Universe to create the freedom and abundance that you desire. The eclipses and the Lion’s Gate portal are providing a wonderful opportunity for clearing out the old and making way for new, amazing blessings to enter your life. You are being supported in releasing any patterns, fears, beliefs, and attachments that no longer serve you. As you let go of this ‘clutter’ and ‘baggage’ that’s weighing you down, you will experience profound healing and a newfound sense of FREEDOM in expressing what’s in your HEART and SOUL.



BUTTERFLY 3 — This month is a powerful time for your spiritual growth. The Angels are letting you know that they are guiding you and are helping you to lean into your spiritual and intuitive gifts. The eclipses are going to be extra potent for you to connect with the higher realms. The Angels are encouraging you to take time to listen to your Higher Self and to the divine wisdom that you are receiving this month. As you open up further to the higher realms and trust in your own intuitive guidance, you will start noticing more synchronicities occurring this month. The Angels are letting you know that these synchronicities are SIGNIFICANT because they are opening up the path for MIRACLES to flow into your life.



Which butterfly did you choose and how did the messages resonate with you?

Let me know in the comments box below!


Have a blessed month of August!



P.S. Don't forget to sign up for the powerful Lion's Gate Energy Activation online event on August 8th >> save your seat here!


Chance to WIN a FREE Soul Awakening Session (worth $350)
each person who signs up will automatically be entered into a random drawing for a chance to win this powerful 3 hour private session of channeling, healing and coaching