Weekly Manifesting Report -- Nov. 25- Dec. 1, 2019

We start the week off with powerful New Moon vibes!

This New Moon (on the 26th) is an important time for getting clear + setting the strongest of intentions for all that you desire to call into your life over the last few weeks of this year (there's still plenty of time to manifest amazing things!)

And for setting up 2020 to be the best year of your life so far.

Setting intentions ESSENTIAL for successful manifestation. Do NOT underestimate the power of declaring what you desire, owning it and knowing it’s rightfully yours.

When you do this, you can literally manifest anything + new doors start magically opening for you.

Take time this week to journal on what you would LOVE to do/have/experience and let your imagination run wild. This is a time of intense creativity as we build up to the Solstice in a few weeks.  

Archangel Haniel and Archangel Metatron are stepping forward this week to help you get into alignment with your goals and dreams. Call upon them as you set your intentions + attract the next level of abundance!

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Instead of using your own energy and trying to push things forward, it’s time to pull your dreams towards you. You are a powerful magnet (even if you don’t realize it yet) and you have the ability to magnetize the abundance you seek. Feel yourself radiating total magnetism for your heart’s desires – imagine your biggest dreams being drawn to you. So that all you have to do is show up confidently and trust that your dreams are being sent to you (because that’s what your dreams want, the desires of your heart are trying to find their way to you). Keep shining your light and radiating this magnetism – that’s how your dreams will find you and be manifested into reality. This is how you will open up to receiving increased abundance!



This is a reminder from the Angels and the Universe that you can get where you desire to go faster than you realize. You can manifest your big goals more quickly and efficiently than you’re allowing but you have to be open to seeing things from a new perspective and to let go of trying to figure everything out (how you will get there, how the resources will come through, how there will be enough time, etc). You’re getting weighed down in the minutiae and not fully accessing the infinite potential + possibilities that are available to you. Take time this week to focus on the bigger picture and call upon Archangel Metatron to show you how you can get to your goal in a much more efficient way. Remember that time is infinite and relative – you can get where you desire to go right now when you believe this and when you set the intentions to have this.



This New Moon is the perfect time for you to access your infinite creative potential. You’re being reminded to tap into your creativity in order to manifest your dreams. One of the most powerful ways to do this is to write down the goals and dreams you have. Write them in vivid detail and let your imagination take hold. Do not hold back. What do you truly desire for your life? What do you truly desire to feel? What do you truly desire to experience? How do you desire to spend your time? What do you most desire to accomplish? Writing this down is going to help you get clarity and it’s going to help you make it feel real (which is crucial for manifestation). Writing down your dreams and goals is also the first step to turning them into physical form. You are literally writing them into reality and birthing them into existence.

Have an amazing week!

Rachel ❤️

Have you downloaded my FREE Money Magnet Mp3 yet?

This has helped countless people manifest more money with ease.

And it’s one of the tools I’ve used to uplevel my own income + skyrocket my biz.

Weekly Manifesting Report -- Nov. 11-17, 2019

The energy for this week is about facing some of our biggest shadow aspects, as the last phase of Mercury Retrograde for this year ends on November 20th 💫

It might feel like you’re swimming against the tide this week and that you’re having to dig deep to overcome heavy emotions and triggers coming up.

But ultimately it’s ALL for your highest good.

Anything that triggers you, use this as fuel to drive you forward and take it as an opportunity to release this trigger, to heal these wounds.

This is going to open things up hugely for you >> letting the floodgates of abundance flow forth more than ever before.

This energy is ‘testing’ to see how committed you are to achieving your dreams … are you unwavering in your commitment??

Now is the time to re-commit to your goals … to tell the Universe that you ARE committed more than ever before and that you ARE ready to step up to the next BIG level!!

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You are whole and worthy just the way you are. There is nothing you have to DO to be worthy of success, money, wealth, fame, love. You get to have infinite ABUNDANCE just because you exist and you are shining your LIGHT. Take time this week to look at where you might be attaching your self-worth to what you’ve accomplished so far in your life (because how much money you make, the type of car you drive, the level of success in your career… none of this actually defines you). When you release this attachment – when you let go of making your achievements mean something about you, you will stop putting so much pressure on yourself to achieve and you’ll stop beating yourself up about not getting where you want to go fast enough. And, paradoxically, this is exactly how you reach the highest levels of success (by allowing more SPACE for increased abundance to flow to you).



Do not be swayed by doubt and fear. Do not be discouraged. Do not let other people’s negativity or lack of understanding take you off track. You KNOW in your heart what is true. Trust this and know that you DO get to accomplish your biggest dreams and that you wouldn’t have been shown the vision of these dreams, of the life that you desire to manifest, if it weren’t possible. Anything you dream up you can create. Know that this week might feel challenging but that doesn’t mean to give up on your dreams. This is not the time to waver from what your heart and soul desire. Stay focused on your highest vision and know that you are a POWERFUL MAGNET for your dreams. Keep calling them into your life and trust that they ARE on the way to you.



Always remember that your light is needed in this world! Do not dim your light for anyone ever. Your unique vibration is SO valuable and your dreams and your purpose are totally being supported by the Universe. You will always be faced with some challenges, frustrations, criticism, etc on the path to your dreams – but to be successful you have to rise above them, move through them, let them wash over you, and not get bogged down by any of it. This is your sign not to back down! It’s time to DIG DEEP and commit to shining your light brighter than ever before – for yourself and for the ALL the people in this world who need your amazing gifts!

Have an amazing week!

Rachel ❤️

P.S. Doors to
Soulful + Spiritual High-Ticket Sales are closing tomorrow!!!!

I've created this course for spiritual coaches, teachers + healers who are SO READY to reach $5K+ months with ease, heart and soul.

If you want to finish out this year with the most AMAZING results ever and you’re ready to put yourself in the position to make 2020 the BEST YEAR of your biz (and life) so far

Then this is for YOU!

During this 6-week program you will:

Get fully confident in your VALUE + feel AMAZING about charging premium rates, so that selling $2K, $3K or $5K+ programs no longer feels awkward, icky or unaligned

Learn how to clearly communicate the POWER of your work, so that you stop attracting people who aren't ready to invest + start attracting HELL YES clients who are eager to pay you premium rates

Learn how to create MAGNETIC content that stops your soulmate clients in their tracks, so that they’re drawn to you + READY to sign up for your programs NOW

Learn how to LAUNCH + SELL your programs in a way that feels GOOD and LIGHTS UP YOUR SOUL, so that you attract DREAM CLIENTS who LOVE your services + LOVE paying you high-ticket prices because they KNOW you’re changing their lives

✔ Learn how to create high-ticket offers (both 1:1 and group programs) that attract your ideal clients AND that you’re SO freakin’ passionate about you just can’t stop talking about them… offers that you feel so enthusiastic + confident about sharing that selling becomes so natural + totally effortless

>> Sign up here: therachelavalon.com/sshs

Once the doors close, I won't be offering this course again for a looong time

If you have any questions or if you feel a nudge to reach out, follow that instinct and send me a PM + let's chat to see if this is a good fit for you ❤️

Have you downloaded my FREE Money Magnet Mp3 yet?

This has helped countless people manifest more money with ease.

And it’s one of the tools I’ve used to uplevel my own income + skyrocket my biz.

Weekly Manifesting Report -- Nov. 4-11, 2019

Mercury Retrograde is in full force!!!!

Can you feel it?

This is actually an AMAZING time for manifesting! We’re building up to the MAGICAL 11/11 energy portal next week.

 And this is a POWERFUL TIME for getting into alignment with your goals. Checking in with yourself + DECIDING what the heck it is you ACTUALLY want to be doing with your precious time.

You know that there’s only 8 weeks left of this DECADE????

It’s time to freakin’ decide what you want + go after it now!! Or better yet MAGNETIZE it to you!!

You’ve got this!!

Have an amazing week!

Rachel ❤️

P.S. If you’re a spiritual coach or healer + you want to finish out this year with the most AMAZING results ever and you’re ready to put yourself in the position to make 2020 the BEST YEAR of your biz (and life) so far…

Then I have something for YOU!!!!

Early enrollment is open for my new program Soulful + Spiritual High-Ticket Sales

TOMORROW is the LAST DAY to get a BONUS 1:1 coaching session with me (plus some other juicy bonuses)!!!!

Everyone who signs up by TUESDAY, November 5th @ midnight will get these special bonuses

>> Click here to get ALL the details + save your spot

Have you downloaded my FREE Money Magnet Mp3 yet?

This has helped countless people manifest more money with ease.

And it’s one of the tools I’ve used to uplevel my own income + skyrocket my biz.

Weekly Manifesting Report -- Oct. 28 - Nov. 3, 2019

The New Moon energy is powerful this week – make sure to tune into it and set strong intentions for all that you desire to call into your life. And as we head into Samhain and Mercury Retrograde (October 31st) this is an extremely important time for reviewing your goals and renewing your commitment to your DREAMS.

YOU get to decide how you spend your time, what you focus your energy on, and what’s most important for you to experience in this lifetime.

This is a big opportunity for you to streamline your efforts and get into ALIGNMENT with your HIGHEST VISION.

Choose 1, 2 or 3 and scroll down for your messages!

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Do not be swayed by what you might perceive are other people’s ideas of what you should be doing or not doing… also become aware of how you might be looking at where others are on their paths compared to you or how much success they’ve had compared to where you are on your journey. Always remember that you are exactly where you need to be right now. Yes, you get to CO-CREATE your ideal life and you get to decide which direction you go in but this happens must faster and easier when you ACCEPT and EMBRACE that you’re always where you need to be and that you’re always being guided (and course-corrected). Your manifesting power is amplified when you stay true to your OWN PATH and FOLLOW what you KNOW to be true.




This is all about accepting yourself and accepting that your ideas aren’t crazy, that you’re not ridiculous for dreaming big and having these big goals. It’s ok and it’s safe for you to dream your wildest dreams. That is how you fulfil your soul purpose. That is how you achieve your soul mission. That is how you actually activate true ABUNDANCE. You cannot manifest your dreams if you’re coming from a place of fear and if you’re not fully passionate about your goals. So if you’re only half-heartedly manifesting them or setting goals that don’t feel fun, exciting and uplifting (because you’re afraid to dream bigger) then it’s going to make it more difficult to achieve. So allow your imagination to run wild and dream bigger than you ever have before – this is going to open amazing new doors for you!




This week is a time for releasing the weight of the past (healing any wounds, fears, patterns that are holding you back) and to stop worrying about how the future will unfold. To manifest the next level of success and abundance, it’s crucial for you to stay focused on the NOW and recognize the beauty of each moment, feel grateful for all that you have and are experiencing now, and accept where you are on your journey right now. Everything is unfolding in divine perfect order and there are infinite possibilities being created all the time. Your potential is expanding – you’re stepping into ever-expanding abundance. The way to access this is to live fully in the moment – to enjoy each moment, savor each moment and know that every moment is leading you closer and closer to your dreams (in fact, your dreams are already real in the energetic plane and they’re on the way to your physical reality now)   


Wishing you an amazing week!

Sending blessings,

Rachel ❤️

P.S. I’m hosting a FREE challenge this week for spiritual coaches + healers who are ready to raise their rates, sell high-end programs + hit 5K+ months with ease.


In this FREE EVENT you'll learn how to:

Get confident in your VALUE + feel AMAZING about raising your prices, so that selling 1k, 3k and 5k+ programs no longer feels awkward, icky or unaligned  

✔ Clearly communicate the VALUE of your work, so that you stop attracting people who aren't ready to invest + start attracting HELL YES clients who are eager to pay you premium rates

Create POWERFUL content that grabs the attention of your soulmate clients, so that they reach out to YOU and are READY to sign up for your programs NOW

** PLUS **

 There will be a special LIVE group coaching session where you can get your questions answered + receive FREE guidance and feedback on your strategy and content! 

Have you downloaded my FREE Money Magnet Mp3 yet?

This has helped countless people manifest more money with ease.

And it’s one of the tools I’ve used to uplevel my own income + skyrocket my biz.